
Practical Considerations
Accommodation at Chithurst is simple, and often in shared rooms. Men and women are accommodated in separate dwellings and there is no shared living space for couples. Women stay in the nuns’ residence and will need to take a ten-minute walk up a lane to arrive at the main House, where the meal is offered and the weekend teachings are given.
Things to bring with you
Clothing and footwear suitable for chilly and damp weather, for working and meditation
Slippers or thick socks for indoors; slip-on shoes, wellingtons, or work boots for outdoors (no outdoor footwear is worn inside)
Please bring your own sleeping bag and a bed sheet or at least your own linen: a sleeping bag sheet, a pillowcase and a towel. If you have to borrow any bedding please ask the Guest Monk
Toiletries, a torch (especially in dark winter months) and an alarm clock
Electrical Appliance
For safety reasons visitors are requested not to bring their own heat producing electrical equipment like hair dryers, electrical blankets or kettles, or other electrical equipment that could be a fire hazard if malfunctioning.
Guests are requested to let the Guest Monk or Nun know when they are leaving and to clean their living quarters.
Lost Property
Please contact us if you think you might have left something at the monastery. It is our policy to keep lost property in store for a maximum of One month, after which we are likely to recycle accumulated items