
Health & Safety
The issue of Health & Safety is taken very seriously at the Monastery, and we recognise that we have a Duty of Care to all residents and visitors. We want you to be safe and well during your stay here, and we would encourage you to be mindful of your situation, and to report any potential hazards to the Guest Monk or Nun, or if you are a resident to the Lodgings monk or nun. The following notes cover areas of particular relevance to Health & Safety:
Fire Safety
Please acquaint yourself with the location of Assembly Points to be used in case of fire. These are:
MAIN HOUSE: cloister, walled garden
DHAMMA HALL: cloisters, walled garden
WORKSHOP: cloister, walled garden
ROCANA VIHARA: back lawn
ALOKA COTTAGE: front lawn by the stream
If you discover a fire, raise the alarm and leave the building immediately.
Fire extinguishers are prominently placed. If you discover a small local fire, and need to use an extinguisher, please make sure that the extinguisher you intend to use is suitable for the type of fire you wish to put out, for example, an electrical fire.
Smoke alarms are checked regularly.
Please do not use naked flame in the monastery buildings. The use of candles is always supervised at Pujas and ceremonies. If you use candles in the kutis please do not leave them unattended.
Please make sure that Fire Doors are closed as appropriate.
Health and Safety in the Kitchen
The maintenance of good hygiene practice is obviously very important in this area. Hand washing facilities are always available for use at all times when handling food.
It is important to keep the floor dry, and clear of any hazards which may cause someone to trip or slip. Care should be taken when using sharps, or kitchen gadgets. These should be stored safely when they are not in use. Please be careful when working near hot surfaces.Health and Safety
Careful storage of food is essential, ensuring rotation of the freshest foods, and disposal of out of date items.
Please make sure that food stored in the fridge is suitably covered, and dated.
If you need to work in the scullery, you should be mindful when using and storing cleansers of any kind, and of the need to keep the floor dry and clear of obstacles.
Please report any concerns that you may have to the Kitchen Manager.
FIRST AID BOXES are checked regularly, and are kept in the kitchen, and in the office in the main house; and in the kitchens in Rocana Vihara, and Aloka Cottage. There is also a box in the workshop, and in the pick up truck.
In case of an accident, if you are a guest please let the guest monk or nun know, or if a resident of the community please let a Senior monk or nun know, and they will fill in the Accident book. You should always report near-accidents, so that preventative action can be taken.
Health and Safety in the Workshop
If you spend work time in the workshop, please be very aware of potential hazard.
If you need to use any tools there, make sure that you take appropriate safety measures, i.e., use safety clothing such as goggles, masks, gloves and overalls. Also, make sure that you are conversant with the use of relevant small tools, and read any instructions available. If in any doubt, please consult the Work Monk or Nun. Please make sure that tools are stored safely and securely when you have finished with them.
You may not use large power tools without training and permission from the Work monk or nun.
Use of hazardous substances
If you use any substances which may be hazardous to health, please make sure that you take appropriate safety measures ie. use of safety clothing, such as goggles, masks, gloves and overalls. It is essential to read any notes specific to your task. You should refer to COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) notes. Theses are kept in the workshop office. Please make sure that substances are stored carefully at the end of your task. If in any doubt, please speak to the Work Monk.
Safe Manual Handling Practices
If you become involved with the moving and handling of objects, please take care to do so safely. Back problems are very common, so if you have such a problem please tell the Work Monk or Nun of your condition. If you do undertake moving & handling jobs take care to assess the situation, and then move the load carefully, paying attention to the weight and bulk of the load, and to your ability to lift and move it safely. Care should be taken to keep rooms, walkways, and corridors free of hazards such as trailing electrical leads and objects likely to cause falls. Thank you for taking time to read these notes. Our aim is to provide a safe environment for everyone who lives or stays here.
Electrical Appliances
Please note that due to current Health and Safety regulations, every electrical appliance - i.e. anything which needs to be plugged into a wall socket in the monastery, must first be checked and approved by a qualified electrician.
For safety reasons visitors are requested not to bring their own heat producing electrical equipment like hair dryers, electrical blankets or kettles, or other electrical equipment that could be a fire hazard if malfunctioning.